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Per default the kramdown parser used by Jekyll does not allow for inline math display. To enable inline math display, some small changes to the html <head> tag are required. Fortunately, just-the-docs has a dedicated head_custom.html file that can be used for this purpose. This file is located in _includes/ and the necessary changes have already been made. If a new version of just-the-docs requires a new adjustment, the necessary steps are explained again below:

1) Add the following conditional load stylesheets and scripts to the head_custom.html file:

{ % if page.katex % }

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

<!-- JavaScript -->
<script defer src=""></script>
<script defer src=""
    delimiters: [
      { left: '$$',  right: '$$',  display: true  },
      { left: '$',   right: '$',   display: false },
      { left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true  },
      { left: '\\(', right: '\\)', display: false }

{ % endif % }

Note that the blanks between % and the brackets {, } in { % if page.katex % } and { % endif % } must be removed!

2) To use LaTeX in a post, add katex: true to the YAML front matter, and write your LaTeX within the specified delimiters $...$ or \(...\). For instance, the body of the following:

    layout: default
    title: Hypoplasticity + Intergranular Strain (Hypo+IGS)
    parent: Constitutive models
    katex: true