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Undrained cyclic triaxial test using HCA model

Development of geometry model

The first step in configuring a problem in numgeo with GiD involves creating the geometry of the model. For this, use the straight line Icon or enter exact coordinates into the command line. The following coordinates are used for the undrained cyclic triaxial test with the HCA model, as we only consider one simple element in this tutorial.

0.0, 0.0
0.05, 0.0
0.05, 0.1
0.0, 0.1
After entering all coordinates, the shape must be closed by clicking on the first point and joining it. Define the NURBS surface by selecting all lines and leave with ‘esc’.

The relevant groups must be added before creating the mesh. The groups will be shown on the tab on the right side. For the groups nall, nleft, nright, ntop and nbottom select each nodes. For the group eall the complete surface needs to be elected.

Mesh generation

In this test, a quadrilateral mesh element with quadratic nodes is chosen, as we require only one mesh element. For this, click on quadratic type -> quadratic to ensure a double amount of nodes. Then create the mesh by entering the element size of 0.1 m. For a better overview toggle the mesh-view using the button Icon toggle on the left bar. Speed up the mesh creation using 'CTRL+G'.

Input definition

To add properties to the input file, the numgeo problem type Icon must be loaded in GiD (Data -> Problem type -> numgeo). A data tree will then be shown on the left side. Now, use the data tree in the left to navigate through the settings and proceed in the order in which they are listed.

Predefined strain ampiltude

In the first example, the strain amplitude is not calculated by a conventional constitutive model, but a measured amplitude from an experiment is used. This is typically the case if the simulations are performed to calibrate or check the parameters of the HCA model.

  • First, choose the right problem dimension Icon (2D: Axisymmetric) and assign an element type Icon (two-phase-u-p) with full integration for all elements.
  • Define the material name 'soil', the number of phases of 2 and the density of both phases.


  • Phase 1: 2.65 g/cm³
  • Phase 2: 1 g/cm²

  • Next, choose the material model under Stress-Strain Icon and define the listed material parameters.

For the undrained cyclic triaxial test with the HCA model the material parameters of linear elasticity are defined as follows:

parameters value
\(E\) 5000 kN/m²
\( ν\) 0.32
  • Activate the HCA model under stress-strain (HCA) Icon and define the material parameters for the High Cycle Accumulation (HCA) model. The period of the cycles is 1. The properties for the HCA model are as follows:
parameters value parameters value
\( C_{N1} \) 0.000295 \( C_{Pi3} \) 0
\( C_{N2} \) 0.41 \( p_{atm} \) 100 kN/m²
\( C_{N3} \) 1.9e-05 \( e_{ref} \) 1.054
\( C_{ampl} \) 1.33 \( ϵ_{ref}^{ampl} \) 0.0001
\( C_e \) 0.6 \( A \) 1209
\( C_p \) 0.23 \( a \) 1.63
\( C_Y \) 1.68 \( n \) 0.5
\( C_{Pi1} \) 0 \( ν \) 0.32
\( C_{Pi2} \) 0 \( φ_c \) 0.578
  • In addition to the material parameters, the HCA model requires the declaration of the step types. The first step is a low-cycle ("implicit") step. The actual HCA phase is performed in step HCA.

  • Implicit HCA steps: Geostatic
  • Recording HCA steps: HCA
  • Explicit HCA steps: HCA

  • The bulk modulus of the pore water and the permeability have to be defined. In numgeo, the permeability equals the dynamic viscosity (set to \(10^{-6}\) kPa) multiplied with the hydraulic conductivity and divided by the unit weight of water (\(γ_{w}\) = 10 kN/m³).

  • Permeability (isotropic): \(1e^{-12}\)
  • Bulk modulus of fluid phases: 2.2 kN/m²
  • Dynamic viscosity: \(1e^{-6}\)

  • Now, assign the material Icon to all elements.

  • The initial stress Icon and some state variables Icon must be applied for this element test to all elements. For the state variables, the name of every variable must be typed in with the corresponding value. The values for all initial conditions are given below:

Initial void ratio:

  • 0.818

Initial stress:

  • option: geostatic
  • \( z_1 \): 0.0
  • \( σ_1 \): -150
  • \( z_2 \): 0.1
  • \( σ_2 \): -150
  • \( k_{0,x} \): 1.0
  • \( k_{0,y} \): 1.0

State variables:

  • void_ratio: 0.818
  • strain_ampl: 3e-04

Step 1: Icon Geostatic

  • The next step involves defining the simulation phase. Rename this step to 'Geostatic' and enter the number of increments of 1.
  • Change the analysis type Icon to geostatic.
  • Below the tab 'Icon Dirichlet boundary conditions’ the solid displacements in both directions can be defined. Fix the displacements in the x-direction of nleft and in the y-direction for nbottom.
  • In addition, apply the boundary for pore water pressure for all nodes (nall):

Pore water pressure:

  • Type: Linear distribution
  • Type: Increment
  • Gradient: 0.0
  • Zero level: 0.1

  • Apply the gravity force to all elements with a magnitude of 10 m/s² and the given direction. In addition to the gravity force, define a pressure of -150 kN/m² on the top and a pressure of -150 kN/m² on the right side, both with an instant loading rate.
  • There is no output requested for this step.

Step 2: Icon HCA

  • For the second step, copy the first step (with assigned groups) and change the name to ‘HCA’. Also change the number of increments to 10000000 and the analysis type Icon to transient. Now the input of time integration Icon is unlocked. The following values for time integration are used:

  • Initial time step: 0.2 s
  • Time step (total): 10000 s
  • Minimum time step: 0.0001 s
  • Maximum time step: 100 s

  • The existing input for solid displacement, gravity and pressure remain the same. The boundary condition for pore water pressure must be deleted to ensure an excess pore water pressure.
  • For the print element output Icon stress, strain, void ratio and 'strain_ampl' is requested for all elements. We also need the print node output for the top nodes to plot the results afterwards.

Calculating strain amplitude

In the second example, the strain amplitude is calculated by a conventional constitutive model, the hypoplastic model with intergranular strain extension in the present case. Having to calculate the strain amplitude is the case for a typical boundary value problem.

To enter this second example in numgeo.gid, the first file is copied and the following changes are made:

  • Change the material model to 'Hypoplastic + IGS' and enter the following material parameters:
parameters value parameters value
\( φ \) 0.577 rad \( β \) 2.5
\( ν \) 0.0 \( m_T \) 1.2
\( h_s \) 4000000 kN/m² \( m_R \) 2.4
\( n \) 0.27 \( R \) 0.0001
\( e_{d0} \) 0.677 \( β_{R} \) 0.1
\( e_{c0} \) 1.054 \( χ \) 6.0
\( f_{ei0} \) 1.15 \( K^{ω} \) 0.0 kN/m²
\( α \) 0.14
  • The first two steps are low-cycle ("implicit") steps. The sinusoidal load is applied in FirstCycle and in SecCycle, whereby the strain curve is recorded for the latter. The actual HCA phase is performed in the step named HCA.

  • Implicit HCA steps: Geostatic, FirstCycle
  • Recording HCA steps: SecCycle
  • Explicit HCA steps: HCA

  • Next, we define the amplitude Icon with the name 'sine1Hz' of type periodic. Add the values given below in the tab and apply it to all elements.

Amplitude 'sine1Hz': periodic

  • \(N\): 1
  • \(A_0\): 0
  • \(t_0\): 0
  • \(ω\): 6.283
  • \(A_i, B_i\): 0, 1

  • The initial conditions will remain the same in this example.

Step 1: Icon Geostatic

The geostatic step remains unchanged. The input is explained in the first example.

Step 2: Icon FirstCycle

  • Copy the 'HCA'-step with assigned groups, rename this step to 'FirstCycle' and enter the number of increments of 10000000.
  • The following values for time integration are used:

  • Initial time step: 0.01 s
  • Time step (total): 1 s
  • Minimum time step: 0.0001 s
  • Maximum time step: 0.05 s

  • In addition to the previously defined pressures, apply a pressure of -60 kN/m² on the top with an amplitude loading rate. Choose sine1Hz for the amplitude.
  • For the print element output Icon stress, strain, void ratio and 'strain_ampl' is requested for all elements.

Step 3: Icon SecCycle

Copy the 'FirstCycle'-step and change the name of the third step to 'SecCycle'. All other input parameters remain the same as in 'FirstCycle'.

Step 4: Icon HCA

The HCA step remains unchanged. The input is explained in the first example.

Results and visualization

Save both files in a folder, where the problem should run and start the calculation process (numgeo -> Generate numgeo files). numgeo will automatically create two input files for each problem and start calculating. After completing the calculations, results can be visualized using tools like python for detailed analysis.

The following python script was used to plot the data for both examples shown in figure 1 and 2.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
from pylab import genfromtxt
from matplotlib import rc
import os 
import numpy as np
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
plt.rcParams['backend'] = "pdf"
plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in'
plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in'
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False
plt.rcParams[''] = False
plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 0.8 

# Read data
#%% =============================================================================

sim1 = genfromtxt('linear_elasticity.gid/linear_elasticity-print-out'+'/'+'NTOP_node_3.dat',skip_header=1)
sim2 = genfromtxt('hypo.gid/hypo-print-out'+'/'+'NTOP_node_3.dat',skip_header=1)

# Plot first data
#%% =============================================================================


ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlabel(r'Number of  cycles [-]')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Excess pore water pressure [kPa]',labelpad=7)

fig = plt.gcf()  
fig.savefig('excess_pore_water_pressure_input_epsampl_linear_elasticity.png', dpi=600 , bbox_inches='tight')

# Plot second data
#%% =============================================================================


ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlabel(r'Number of  cycles [-]')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Excess pore water pressure [kPa]',labelpad=7)

fig = plt.gcf()  
fig.savefig('excess_pore_water_pressure_input_epsampl_hypo.png', dpi=600 , bbox_inches='tight')
Result of the simulation
Firgure 1: Excess pore water pressure versus number of load cycles for calculating the strain amplitude
Result of the simulation
Firgure 2: Excess pore water pressure versus number of load cycles for calculating the strain amplitude

For more information please refer to the corresponding numgeo tutorial for the Undrained cyclic triaxial test using HCA model.