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Beam elements

Upcoming release

Beam elements will be available with the upcoming release

Beam elements are structural members capable of resisting axial forces, shear forces, and bending moments. They model slender structural elements where one dimension is significantly larger than the other two. Beam elements include both Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories, with the latter accounting for shear deformation effects. Details on the implementation are provided in the Theory Manual.

The properties of beam elements are assigned using the *Material keyword in combination with the *Beam properties sub-keyword. See the Reference Manual for more information.

2D Elements

Element label Dim. Shape Nodes Order nIP*
u2-beam 2D beam 2 linear 1
u3-beam 2D beam 3 quadratic 3

* nIP = number of integration points

3D Elements

Element label Dim. Shape Nodes Order nIP*
u2-beam-3D 3D beam 2 linear 1
u3-beam-3D 3D beam 3 quadratic 3

* nIP = number of integration points

Notes on output

For Beam elements, \(\sigma_{11}\) is the axial stress and \(\sigma_{12}\) and \(\sigma_{13}\) correspond to the shear stresses in local xy and xz-direction, respectively. All other components are zero.

Similarly, \(\varepsilon_{11}\) is the axial strain and \(\varepsilon_{12}\) and \(\varepsilon_{13}\) correspond to the shear strains in local xy and xz-direction, respectively.

In addition to general output in cartesian coordinates such as displacements, stress and strain, local quantities can be requested:

  • Beam-Force-N: normal force along the beam axis in F
  • Beam-Force-Qy: shear force in local y-axis in F
  • Beam-Force-Qz: shear force in local z-axis in F
  • Beam-Moment-Mz: bending moment around local z-axis in F·L
  • Beam-Moment-My: bending moment around local y-axis in F·L

See the Theory Manual for information about the calculation of forces and bending moments.