Karlsruhe model
The constitutive model proposed by Fuentes 1 interrelates the degree of saturation \(S^w\) with the suction \(s\) and couples the void ratio \(e\) through an incremental relation.
The input line takes the form:
*Hydraulic = Karlsruhe-Model
alpha^d, n^d, alpha^w, n^w, kappa, n, m^e, S_rd, S_rw
Therein, \(\alpha^{d}\), \(n^{d}\), \(\alpha^{w}\), \(n^{w}\) are the van Genuchten parameter for the main drying \(\sqcup^d\) and wetting \(\sqcup^w\) branch of the soil water retention curve. The parameter \(\kappa\) and \(n\) control the scanning curves and \(m^e\) the void ratio dependence. \(S_{r,d}\) and \(S_{r,w}\) are the residual degrees of saturation for the main drying curve and the main wetting curve, respectively.
where the indices of \(d\) and \(i\) are related with a drying (\(\dot{s}>0\)) and wetting (\(\dot{s}<0\)) process respectively, \(\kappa_w\) is a material parameter, \(e\) is the void ratio, \(\dot{\varepsilon}_v=-\text{div}(\mathbf{b}{v})\) is the volumetric strain rate and \(Y^{d/i}\) is an interpolation function (\(0\leq Y^{d/i}\leq 1\)) defined as:
The exponent \(n_w\approx 1-10\) is a material parameter that controls the interpolation. The model considers as boundaries the main drying curve \(S^w_{d}\) and the main wetting curve \(S^w_{i}\) described by the van-Genuchten relations extended by the Gallipoli relation which accounts for the void ratio dependence 2:
where \(\alpha^{d}, \alpha^{i}\), \(n^{d}\) and \(n^{i}\) are parameters of these curves. Differentiation of the relation above with the suction \(s\) and void ratio \(e\) gives:
\(s^d\) and \(s^i\) are the projected suction on the main branches for a given effective degree of saturation \(S_w\). They are computed according to the following relations:
The parameters \(\alpha^i\), \(n^i\) and \(m_e\) are used to describe the main wetting curve while the counterpart parameters \(\alpha^d\) and \(n^d\) (with \(m_e\)) describe the main drying curve. The hysteretic behavior is controlled through the parameters \(n_w\) and \(\kappa_w\). A calibration procedure of these parameters can be found in 1 and 3.
W. Fuentes and Th. Triantafyllidis. Hydro-mechanical hypoplastic models for unsaturated soils under isotropic stress conditions. Computers and Geotechnics, 51:72–82, 2013. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0266352X13000281, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2013.02.002. ↩↩
D. Gallipoli, S. J. Wheeler, and M. Karstunen. Modelling the variation of degree of saturation in a deformable unsaturated soil. Géotechnique, 53(1):105–112, 2 2003. doi:10.1680/geot.2003.53.1.105. ↩
W. Fuentes, M. Tafili, and Th. Triantafyllidis. An ISA-plasticity-based model for viscous and non-viscous clays. Acta Geotechnica, pages 1–20, 4 2017. doi:10.1007/s11440-017-0548-y. ↩