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Beam Properties

Upcoming release

Beam elements will be available with the upcoming release


*Beam properties
A, E, G, Iyy, Izz, J, kappaY, kappaZ


This keyword defines the mechanical and geometric properties of Timoshenko beam elements. The beam properties are specified on a single line with eight parameters.


Parameter Description Units Notes
A Cross-sectional area L² (e.g., m²) Assumed constant during simulation
E Young's modulus F/L² (e.g., kPa) Elastic axial and bending stiffness
G Shear modulus F/L² (e.g., kPa) Typically G = E/[2(1+ν)] where ν is Poisson's ratio
Iyy Second moment of area around local y-axis L\(^4\) (e.g., m\(^4\)) Bending about local y-axis
Izz Second moment of area around local z-axis L\(^4\) (e.g., m\(^4\)) Bending about local z-axis
J Torsional constant L\(^4\) (e.g., m\(^4\)) Also known as polar moment of inertia
kappaY Shear correction factor in local y-direction Dimensionless Accounts for non-uniform shear stress distribution
kappaZ Shear correction factor in local z-direction Dimensionless Accounts for non-uniform shear stress distribution

For 2D simulations, typically only Izz (bending about the out-of-plane axis) and kappaZ are relevant.

Shear Correction Factors

The shear correction factors depend on the cross-sectional shape and account for the non-uniform distribution of shear stresses. Recommended values are provided below:

Cross-Section Type Configuration Shear Correction Factor (κ) Notes
Rectangular Homogeneous 0.8333 (5/6) Standard value derived from elasticity theory
I-Sections & IPE Profiles Strong-axis bending (⊥ to web) 0.3-0.4 Lower values for deeper sections
Weak-axis bending (∥ to web) 0.5-0.6 Depends on flange width/thickness ratio
Circular Solid 0.9 Highest κ among common sections
Thin-walled tube 0.5-0.6 Decreases as wall thickness decreases
Box Sections Square hollow (thin walls) 0.4-0.5 Higher values for thicker walls
Rectangular hollow 0.35-0.5 Varies with aspect ratio
Channel Sections C-shaped (strong-axis) 0.35-0.45 Depends on web/flange proportions
U-shaped (weak-axis) 0.45-0.55 Higher for more compact sections
T-Sections All orientations 0.3-0.4 Similar to asymmetric I-sections
Angle Sections L-shaped 0.45-0.55 Varies with leg length ratio


Simple Rectangular Beam (2D)

For a rectangular beam with width 0.2 m and height 0.4 m made of concrete (E = 30 GPa, ν = 0.2):

*Beam properties
0.08, 3.0e7, 1.25e7, 0.00107, 0.00107, 0.00167, 0.8333, 0.8333


  • A = 0.2 m × 0.4 m = 0.08 m²
  • E = 30 GPa = 3.0e7 kPa
  • G = E/[2(1+ν)] = 30/(2×1.2) = 12.5 GPa = 1.25e7 kPa
  • Iyy = Izz = bh³/12 = 0.2×0.4³/12 = 0.00107 m\(^4\) (assuming same bending capacity in both directions)
  • J = Iyy + Izz = 0.00167 m\(^4\) (for rectangular section, approximate)
  • kappaY = kappaZ = 5/6 = 0.8333 (rectangular section)

IPE 200 Steel Beam (3D)

For an IPE 200 steel section (E = 210 GPa, ν = 0.3):

*Beam properties
0.00285, 2.1e8, 8.08e7, 1.94e-5, 1.42e-6, 7.02e-8, 0.4, 0.55


  • A = 0.00285 m² (from section tables)
  • E = 210 GPa = 2.1e8 kPa
  • G = E/[2(1+ν)] = 210/[2(1+0.3)] = 80.8 GPa = 8.08e7 kPa
  • Iyy = 1.94e-5 m⁴ (weak axis, from section tables)
  • Izz = 1.42e-6 m⁴ (strong axis, from section tables)
  • J = 7.02e-8 m⁴ (from section tables)
  • kappaY = 0.4 (strong axis of I-section)
  • kappaZ = 0.55 (weak axis of I-section)


  • The local coordinate system of the beam determines the orientation of the cross-section.
  • For non-standard cross-sections, refer to the Theory Manual for guidance on calculating appropriate parameters.
  • The beam formulation assumes linear elastic behavior.

See Also