Cantilever Beam (IPE 200 profile)
To validate the implementation of the beam elements, the following cantilever beam with a IPE 200 profile is analysed:
- Young's modulus: \(E=210\) GPa
- Poisson's ratio: \(\nu=0.3\)
- Bending moment of inertia: \(I_{zz}=1943\) cm\(^4\)
- Bending moment of inertia: \(I_{yy}=142\) cm\(^4\)
- Torsion moment of inertia: \(J=6.98\) cm\(^4\)
- Cross sectional area: \(A=28.50\) cm\(^2\)
- Length: 2 m
The cantilever beam is fixed on the left end and a concentrated load of 10 kN is applied in vertical direction on the right side of the beam. The maximum deflection \(w\) is used for results comparison. This problem is well known, and results can be easily compared with an analytical solution.
Analytical solution
The total deflection according to Timoshenko is:
For an IPE 200 profile with strong-axis bending, using the specialized analytical approach by Cowper, the shear correction factor is approximately \(\kappa = 0.4\) (accounting for the thin web of the I-section).
The Euler-Bernoulli deflection \(w_{EB}\) is 6.54 mm. Now calculating the shear contribution:
Therefore, the total deflection incorporating shear effects is:
Numerical solution
For the numerical solution 2-node linear and 3-node quadratic beam elements are used. The Young's modulus and the cross-sectional area as well as the moment of interias \(I_{yy}, I_{zz}, J\) are prescribed using the *Beam properties
keyword of the *Material
*Material, name = beam, phases=1
*Beam properties
2.85d-3, 210d6, 80.769d6, 19.43d-6, 1.42d-6, 6.98d-8, 0.4, 0.4
Note that the properties are given in m and kN/m²:
- Young's modulus: \(E=210 \cdot 10^6\) kPa
- Shear modulus: \(G=80.77 \cdot 10^6\) kPa
- Cross sectional area: \(A=2.85 \cdot 10^{-3}\) cm\(^2\)
- Bending moments of inertia \(I_{zz}=19.43 \cdot 10^{-6}\) m\(^4\)
- Bending moments of inertia \(I_{yy}=1.42 \cdot 10^{-6}\) m\(^4\)
- Torsion moments of inertia \(J=6.98 \cdot 10^{-8}\) m\(^4\)
- Shear correction factors \(\kappa_y=\kappa_z=0.4\)
Different discretisations (number of elements) have been used.
Input files
The complete input files can be downloaded here
The results of the numerical simulations are summarised in the table below:
Element | Number of elements/nodes |
Max. deflection | Difference to analytical solution |
u2-beam | 1/2 | 6.753 mm | -0.1 % |
u2-beam | 5/6 | 6.753 mm | -0.1 % |
u3-beam | 1/3 | 5.771 mm | -14.6 % |
u3-beam | 2/5 | 6.641 mm | -1.8 % |
u3-beam | 4/9 | 6.744 mm | -0.2 % |
From above results it becomes evident that the 3-node (quadratic) beam element suffers from shear locking. This is especially pronounced for slender structures dun thus less pronounced compared to the Cantilever Beam (slender) example. Refining the spatial resolution reduces the amount of shear locking.