*Step, Name = <step name>, inc = <max inc>, [nlgeom, no cut back, maxiter, miniter, scale factor =< >]
*End Step
In numgeo
the problem history is divided into separated steps (this concept is being adopted from Abaqus). A step represents any convenient phase of the history, e.g. a static analysis of a load change from one magnitude to another or a transient dynamic analysis of vibratory pile driving.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the step. This parameter is mandatory.
Name = <step name>
inc = <max inc>
This optional keyword is used to define the upper limit to the number of increments in an analysis. The analysis will stop if this maximum is exceeded before the complete solution for the step has been obtained.
Optional keyword to consider non-linear geometrics. The current configuration is used for the determination of all quantities and integration is carried out in the deformed state. Note that the Zaremba-Jaumann stress rate is used.
Using this options has important consequences for analyses with interactions. Not using
will assume that there is a limited number of possible nodes that can come into contact. If large relative movements of a contact pair take place, this might result in inferior convergence. The user is informed in this case and it is recommend to usenlgeom
. However, numgeo will check for all contact combinations in this case resulting in much longer computational times. Therefore,nlgeom
has to be used with care. -
no cut back
Optional keyword to restrict the time increment to be reduced in case of bad or no convergence. Note that the solution is accepted after the maximum number of allowed iterations, independent of the error.
Optional keyword to set the maximum number of iterations before the iteration process breaks and a new try with adjusted time increment is started. The default value is 24.
Optional keyword to set the minimum number of iterations before convergence is allowed to be achieved and the next increment starts. The default value is 1.
scale factor =< >
Optional keyword to scale the critical time increment in explicit dynamic analyses. The default value is 1.
For each step you choose an analysis procedure. This choice defines the type of analysis to be performed during the step: static stress analysis, transient analysis, etc. The available analysis procedures are listed below and are described in the sections that follow. Only one procedure is allowed per step. It is noted, that all procedures are available for both single- and multi-phasic porous media as well as single-phasic solid elements.
Procedure Description Geostatic
Verify equilibrium of initial geostatic stress field with applied loads and boundary conditions Static
Steady-state analysis, inertia effects are neglected Transient
Transient analysis, inertia effects are neglected Dynamic
Is used when linear and nonlinear dynamic response is being studied Reduction
Strength reduction analysis, inertia effects are neglected -
Is used to end a step (mandatory)
*End Step