Currently the precompiled executable of numgeo is available for the following operating systems (OS):
- Windows
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
- Windows - portable
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
- Linux - Ubuntu (tested versions 20.04, 22.04, 23.10)
While the Windows version of numgeo can only be used in combination with Intel OneAPI, the Linux versions are available for both Intel OneAPI and gcc. Detailed installation instructions and ready-to-run scripts are provided in the respective sections.
The functionality of numgeo can be extended via user defined subroutines, e.g. by linking your own constitutive model to numgeo or by prescribing a complicated load pattern using a small self-written Fortran code. A Fortran compiler is required to be able to use user-defined subroutines. Further details are described in section User routines.
Windows 10
Note that there have been some reports of compatibility problems for Windows 10. Please report any issues to the developers.