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Nset - Node set definition

*Nset, name = <node set name> [, generate] 
<subsequent lines> 

This option assigns nodes to a node set and makes this set accessible by using its name. The sub-keyword name is mandatory, whereas generate is optional. The entries to the <subsequent lines> depend on the occurrence of generate:

  • If generate is omitted, the <subsequent lines> take the following form:

    <node i>, ..., <node n> 
    Enter a list of nodes ``v to be assigned to the set. Up to 16 entries per line are allowed. Repeat this line as often as necessary.

  • If generate is active, the <subsequent lines> takes the following form:

    <first node>, <last node>, <increment>

    where <first node> and <last node> are the first and the last node in the set to be generated. <increment> is the increment in node numbers between the nodes in the set. All parameters are mandatory.

Note that only previously defined nodes can be assigned to a node set.

Node sets can also be defined by their geometrical position rather than their label. This is done using:

*Nset, find, nset = <node set name> 
<subsequent line>

The subsequent line is the coordinate for which the closest existing node is searched. Note that always three coordinates (x,y,z) have to be given. Currently, this keyword only supports the generation of node sets consisting of one node.