Monopile under high-cyclic loading
Finite Element (FE) representation
The mesh file for quadratically interpolated elements are found here. Two folders are provided: input files for fully drained and input files for partially drained analyses.
If you are not able to use user-subroutines (because you have not installed OneAPI), a reduced version of the input files without the need for user-subroutines is available. Note that in this input file a mesh with linearly interpolated elements is used in order to speed up the simulation. The full input files are found here.
This example explains the simulation of the long-term response of monopile foundations using the HCA model in combination with the hypoplastic model with intergranular strain. The mesh generation is skipped for this example.
The adopted finite element model is given in Figure 1. The pile has a length of 10 m and a diameter of 4 m. The file containing the mesh (mesh.inp) is discussed first and then the step file (step_tutorial.inp) is addressed.
Figure 1. Model of the monopile (only the corner nodes of the elements are visible)
Running out of RAM
The simulation needs quite a bit of RAM. If your simulation is killed, the RAM of your computer is not enough.
For the soil, three-dimensional u-p finite elements with 27 nodes
discretising the displacement u of the solid phase and 8 nodes
discretising the pore water pressure \(p^w\) are utilised (termed u27p8
element, obtained using the bi-quadratic
option in the element
definition since the pre-processor generated u20
*Element, type=u20p8-sat,bi-quadratic
Hence, quadratic interpolation functions are used for the solid
displacement while linear interpolation functions are applied for the
pore water pressure (i.e. Taylor-Hood element formulation
1). The u27p8
element is superior to the u20p8
in contact analyses.
The pile is modelled with single phase elements with 27 nodes
obtained again using the bi-quadratic
*Element, type=u20-solid,bi-quadratic
Properties, Initial conditions and step definitions
Properties, contact and Initial conditions
The step file (step_tutorial.inp) first includes the mesh file by defining:
Then the material definitions are given. The pile is composed of two materials: the regular steel material and a much stiffer material used only for the uppermost row of elements where the load is applied to the pile. This is done to avoid excessive deformations of the pile at the point of load application.
*Material, name=Elastisch_Steel, phases = 1
*Mechanical = Linear_Elasticity
2.1e+8, 0.3
*Material, name=Steel_head, phases = 1
*Mechanical = Linear_Elasticity
2.1e+12, 0.3
Note that the density is set higher in order to consider an additional length of the pile not modelled.
For the low-cycle phase of the HCA model, the Hypoplastic model with intergranular strain extension is used. The parameters calibrated for "Karlsruhe fine sand" are adopted. The parameters for the HCA model are provided in the Table below
\(C_{\textrm{ampl}}\) | \(C_{e}\) | \(C_{p}\) | \(C_{Y}\) | \(C_{N1}\) | \(C_{N2}\) | \(C_{N3}\) |
1.33 | 0.60 | 0.23 | 1.68 | 2.95\(\cdot10^{-4}\) | 0.41 | \(1.9 \cdot 10^{-5}\) |
Two densities have to be given which are the density of the solid grains
and the density of water. In addition, the bulk modulus of the pore
water and the permeability have to be defined. In numgeo
, the
permeability equals the dynamic viscosity (set to \(10^{-6}\) kPas)
multiplied with the hydraulic conductivity \(k^w\) and divided by the unit
weight of water (\(\gamma_w = 10~\)kN/m\(^3\)). A high hydraulic
conductivity of \(k^w\) = 1 \(\cdot\) \(10^{-3}\) m/s is defined here. The
resulting permeability of \(10^{-10}\) m\(^2\) is set in the input file.
To avoid positive mean effective stresses (in mechanical sign convention), a minimum value is set. In addition, an artificial viscosity is used to achieve better convergence. However, it is not necessarily required and also doesn't influence the results.
In addition to the material parameters, the HCA model requires the declaration of the step types. The first four steps are low-cycle ("implicit") steps. The first sinusoidal load is applied in \(step4\). In \(step5\) the second cycle is applied, for which the strain path is recorded. The actual HCA phase is performed in \(step6\). The period of the cycles is 1 s for why in line 40 to 41 the cycle time is set to 1 s.
*Material, name = hypo, phases = 2
*Mechanical = HCA_Hypoplasticity
**phi, nu, hS, n, ed0, ec0, ei0, alpha
**beta, mT, mR, R, betaR, chi, Kw
0.577, 0.0, 4d6, 0.27, 0.677, 1.054, 1.15, 0.14
2.5, 1.2, 2.4, 1d-4, 0.1, 6.0 , 0.
**CN1, CN2, CN3, Campl, Ce, 0, Cp2, 0
**Cy2, Cpi1, Cpi2, Cpi3, patm, eref, eps^ampl_ref, A
**a, n, nu, phic
0.000295, 0.41, 0.000019, 1.33, 0.6, 0, 0.23, 0
1.68, 0, 0, 0, 100, 1.054, 0.0001, 1209
1.63, 0.5, 0.32, 0.577
2.7d0, 1.0
*mechanical viscosity = linear
*Bulk modulus
** k = 1.0e-10 * 1.0e-6 * 10 = 1.0e-3
*Dynamic viscosity
*Implicit hca steps
*Recording hca steps
*Explicit hca steps
*HCA cycle time
The penalty method is used to enforce the contact constraints. No separation between soil and pile is possible once the contact is active. A simple Coulomb friction model with a friction coefficient of 0.3 is used.
The contact between soil and pile is discretised using a mortar contact discretisation technique.
A small value for the contact clearance is defined, which leads to a small value of initial contact pressure. This is beneficial since the initial stress state is closer to equilibrium, in which the earth pressure is acting as contact pressure.
*Interaction,name=pen,MECHANICAL=penalty,no separation
*friction, model=MC,stiffness_factor=0.1
*Contact Pair,interaction=pen,discretisation=element mortar
*contact options, name=pen, clearance=1d-6
The initial conditions for stress and state variables are defined in user subroutines (see the files shipped with this document). The void ratio used for the calculation of the density is given in addition. This value does not necessary have to coincide with the value given in the user Initial state file. A hydrostatic pore water pressure is defined for the entire soil mass.
**---------------------------------- Initial conditions -----------------------------
*Initial conditions, type=stress, user
*Initial conditions, type=state variables, user
*Initial conditions, type=void ratio, default
*Initial conditions, type=pore water pressure, default
SoilInstance.SoilAll, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 50.0d0, 500.0d0
For the analysis, different time distributions of boundary and loading conditions have to be defined. This is done using the following Amplitude definitions:
*Amplitude, Name = LoadingRamp , Type = RAMP
0.0, 0.0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0
*Amplitude, Name = Sinus1Hz , Type = PERIODIC
The amplitude \(LoadingRamp\) defines a linear increase of a quantity beginning with the relative value 0 at the time \(t_1=0\) and the relative value 1 at the time \(t_2=1\). To apply the cyclic loading, a sinusoidal Amplitude with a frequency of 1 Hz is defined in addition.
Steps and loading definitions
The first step is defined below. The analysis type of the step is a static step. The keyword Body force
a gravitational force which is applied instantaneous (Instant
). The
element sets \(SoilInstance.SoilAll\) and
\(MonopileInstance.MonopileAll\) are loaded by the gravity (Amplitude
\(10\) m/s\(^2\), directed downwards with the normalized vector of the
gravity \(\vec{\textbf{b}}=\{0,0,1\}\)).
All nodes of the pile and the soil are constraint in 1-, 2- and 3-direction. Therefore, no displacement is possible for any Node in the model. The pore water pressure is prescribed hydrostatically using a user subroutine (see the files shipped with this document). The error controls are modified and only the local convergence controls are set active.
The output is written in the vtk format (suitable for ParaView
) and is of ASCII
type. The Node output includes the displacement (U
) and pore water
pressure (PW
) of the nodes. The element output includes the stress
) as well as the void ratio (Void_ratio
) and the contact output
variables (Contact
). The contact output contains contact stresses as
well as contact distances for each contact Node. In addition, a print
output is defined. The displacement and the pore water pressure is printed for several nodes of the model.
** STEP: Eigengewicht_Soil
*Step, name=step1,inc=1
*Body force, Instant
SoilInstance.SoilAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
*Body force, Instant
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, u1,0.0d0
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, u2,0.0d0
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, u3,0.0d0
SoilInstance.SoilAll, u1,0.0d0
SoilInstance.SoilAll, u2,0.0d0
SoilInstance.SoilAll, u3,0.0d0
SoilInstance.SoilAll, pw,1.0d0
*Controls, global, deactivate
*Controls, u, activate
*output, field, vtk, ASCII
*Node output, nset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
*element output, elset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
S, Contact, void_ratio
*output, print
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_left
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right
*Node output, nset = Monopile_Symmetrie_Front
U, coords
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_bottom
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_bottom
U, coords, pw
In the second step the correct boundary conditions of the model are established. The back-side of the soil is constraint in the two horizontal directions. The bottom is constraint in the vertical direction. The symmetry axis of both parts of the model is constraint in the y-direction (see Figure 1)
A vertical loading is applied to the monopile head. The right and the right top node of the pile are gradually loaded by 500 kN over the course of the step. An additional surface pressure on the top of the model is applied. The output remains identical to the first step.
*Step, name=step2,inc=100
*Body force, Instant
SoilInstance.SoilAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
*Body force, Instant
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Links, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Mitte, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_right, u2,0.0d0
SoilInstance.SoilAll, pw,1.0d0
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 500
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, 500
*Dload ,Instant
*Controls, global, deactivate
*Controls, u, modify
0.05,0.05,0.08,1e-7,1e-7, 3
*output, field, vtk, ASCII
*Node output, nset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
*element output, elset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
S, Contact, void_ratio
*output, print
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_left
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right
*Node output, nset = Monopile_Symmetrie_Front
U, coords
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_bottom
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_bottom
U, coords, pw
In the third step the mean value of horizontal loading is applied. The right and the right top node of the pile are gradually loaded by 50 kN in horizontal direction and a moment (represented by a vertical force pair) of \(600\cdot2\cdot2 = 2400\) kNm over the course of the step. The other definitions remain identical to the previous step.
*Step, name=step3,inc=100
*Body force, Instant
SoilInstance.SoilAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
*Body force, Instant
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Links, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Mitte, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_right, u2,0.0d0
SoilInstance.SoilAll, pw,1.0d0
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 500
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, 500
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 1, -50
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 1, -50
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 600
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, -600
*Dload ,Instant
*Controls, global, deactivate
*Controls, u, modify
*Controls, pw, deactivate
*output, field, vtk, ASCII
*Node output, nset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
*element output, elset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
S, Contact, void_ratio,contact_diagnostic
*output, print
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_left
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right
*Node output, nset = Monopile_Symmetrie_Front
U, coords
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_bottom
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_bottom
U, coords, pw
The fourth and fifth step are identical (expect of the step name). The horizontal sinusoidal load is
applied, which also has a component in horizontal direction and a moment
component. Note that for this example no effects from excess pore water pressure and consolidation are
accounted for because the simulation is faster. This is defined by setting the step to static and
constraining the pore water pressure in the entire model. If one would
want to consider these effects, the type of analysis has to be
changed to a transient calculation, including pore water pressure change
and water flow (consolidation). In addition, the boundary condition for the pore water pressure would have to be deleted. The boundary conditions for Soil_top_S1
and Soil_hinten
would in this case allow for drainage at the top and the
back of the model. In the current definition as static step they are
The input files for partially drained analyses are available here, but only for the windows files
*Step, name=step4,inc=1000, no cut back
*Body force, Instant
SoilInstance.SoilAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
*Body force, Instant
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Links, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Mitte, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_right, u2,0.0d0
Soil_top_S1, pw,0.0d0
Soil_hinten, pw,1.0d0
Soil_bottom_S5, pw,1.0d0
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 500
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, 500
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 1, -50
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 1, -50
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 600
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, -600
*Cload, Amplitude=Sinus1Hz
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 600
*Cload, Amplitude=Sinus1Hz
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, -600
*Cload, Amplitude=Sinus1Hz
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 1, -50
*Cload, Amplitude=Sinus1Hz
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 1, -50
*Dload ,Instant
SoilInstance.SoilAll, pw,1.0d0
*Controls, global, deactivate
*Controls, u, modify
*Controls, pw, deactivate
*output, field, vtk, ASCII
*Node output, nset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
*element output, elset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
S, Contact, void_ratio
*output, print
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_left
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right
*Node output, nset = Monopile_Symmetrie_Front
U, coords
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_bottom
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_bottom
U, coords, pw
Lastly, the HCA step is defined in step 6 simulating \(10^6\) further cycles. Only the mean value of load is applied in this step. The strain amplitude was automatically calculated at the end of step 5. Some HCA-specific output variables are requested.
*Step, name=step6,inc=100000
*Body force, Instant
SoilInstance.SoilAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
*Body force, Instant
MonopileInstance.MonopileAll, GRAV, 10., 0., 0., 1.
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Links, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_Mitte, u2,0.0d0
Soil_Symmetrie_Front_right, u2,0.0d0
Soil_top_S1, pw,0.0d0
Soil_hinten, pw,1.0d0
Soil_bottom_S5, pw,1.0d0
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 500
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, 500
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 1, -50
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 1, -50
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right, 3, 600
Node_Monopile_Outer_top_Links, 3, -600
*Dload ,Instant
SoilInstance.SoilAll, pw,1.0d0
*Controls, global, deactivate
*Controls, u, modify
*output, field, vtk, ASCII
*Node output, nset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
*element output, elset = SoilInstance.SoilAll
S, Contact, void_ratio, Strain_ampl, Strain_acc, cyclic_history, fe, fampl, fy, fp,
*output, print
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_left
*Node output, nset = Node_Monopile_Outer_top_right
*Node output, nset = Monopile_Symmetrie_Front
U, coords
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_top
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_right_bottom
U, coords, pw
*Node output, nset = PWD_links_bottom
U, coords, pw
The calculation is started by calling numgeo
over the command line,
specifying the name of the input file step (without ending),
confirming by pressing enter, specifying the number of CPUs (depending
on the hardware, 4 CPUs are appropriated here) and pressing enter again.
Results of the simulation
After the calculation is finished (the command window is ready for a new command), open the .sta file first and check that the simulation was successful by identifying that all steps have been completed. If the calculation immediately stops, check the error message in the .log file and if any error files were generated in the calculation folder. Because the runtime of the simulation is long, check the .sta file while running to see the progress and to detect any problems (e.g. large number of iterations and tiny time increments).
To see the output of the calculation, start ParaView
and open the pvd
file (in the right upper options bar: "File" \(\rightarrow\)
The field of the strain amplitude and the final deformed configuration after \(10^6\) cycles (5-times enhanced) is given in Figure 1. The monopile pile head rotation is depicted in Figure 2 using the python script shipped with this file.
Figure 1. Field of strain amplitude and pattern of deformations at 1 million cycles (5-times enhanced)
Figure 2. Pile head rotation vs. time or number of load for partially drained and drained analyses
C. Taylor and P. Hood. A numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations using the finite element technique. Computers and Fluids, 1(1):73–100, 1973. URL:, doi:10.1016/0045-7930(73)90027-3. ↩