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Initial state variables

Initial state variables

This subroutine is used to initialize user-defined state variables (statev) at particular material points (integration points), characterized by the parameter user on the *initial conditions command in the input file: *initial conditions, type = state variables, user


subroutine user_initial_state_variables(ie,igp,ndim,nstatev,nchar,material, &
             coords,statev) bind(c,name='user_initial_state_variables')
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  integer(c_int)                    , intent(in)    :: ie         
  integer(c_int)                    , intent(in)    :: igp         
  integer(c_int)                    , intent(in)    :: ndim         
  integer(c_int)                    , intent(in)    :: nstatev     
  integer(c_int)                    , intent(in)    :: nchar 
  character(c_char)                 , intent(in)    :: material(*) 
  real(c_double), dimension(3)      , intent(in)    :: coords      
  real(c_double), dimension(nstatev), intent(inout) :: statev      

  character(len=nchar) :: material_str

  ! required to make the material name usable in select case of if-clauses
  material_str = transfer(material(1:nchar), material_str)

  ... user coding

end subroutine user_initial_state_variables


subroutine user_initial_state_variables(ie,igp,ndim,nstatev,nchar,material,coords,statev)
  implicit none
    !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT, STDCALL, REFERENCE :: user_initial_state_variables
  integer                    , intent(in)    :: ie         
  integer                    , intent(in)    :: igp         
  integer                    , intent(in)    :: ndim         
  integer                    , intent(in)    :: nstatev     
  integer                    , intent(in)    :: nchar 
  character                  , intent(in)    :: material(*) 
  real(8), dimension(3)      , intent(in)    :: coords      
  real(8), dimension(nstatev), intent(inout) :: statev      

  character(len=nchar) :: material_str

  ! required to make the material name usable in select case of if-clauses
  material_str = transfer(material(1:nchar), material_str)

  ... user coding

end subroutine user_initial_state_variables
  • ie: Element label (id)

  • igp: Integration point number in the element

  • ndim: Number of coordinates

  • nstatev: Number of solution-dependent state variables (depends on the material)

  • nchar: length of the material name

  • material: Material name assigned to the current element

  • coords(:): Array containing the coordinates of the current integration point

  • statev(:): Array containing the solution-dependent state variable to be defined