September 2022
The Release notes have yet not been fully transferred to the HTML documentation. Contact the developers if you have specific questions.
The release notes for September 2022 are:
Surface Loads (``*DSload``), see Section
{reference-type="ref" reference="input_dsload"}-
Uniform pressure
Pressure compensating dead weight of water
Drainage only condition
Spring support along surfaces
Compliant base boundary conditions
Distributed Loads (``*Dload``), see Section
{reference-type="ref" reference="input_dload"}- Compliant base boundary condition (bc): the user may now choose between an explicit and an implicit formulation of the compliant base bc
External solver (``*Solver, external``)
now supports (arbitrary) user-defined external solver. For more information see Section [sec:solver]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:solver"} -
Associated flow rule for Matsuoka-Nakai model, see Section [sec:mat_matsuoka_nakai]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:mat_matsuoka_nakai"}.
Including external files in input file
Can be used to split the input file into several files, with the main file including the other files, e.g. by
mesh -
Constitutive models
AVISA-2022 (a new version of the AVISA model), see Section [sec:mat_avisa2022]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:mat_avisa2022"}.
Clay Hypoplasticity by David Masin (2014), see Section [sec:mat_hypoplasticity_clay]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:mat_hypoplasticity_clay"}
Karlsruhe hydraulic model (soil water retention curve accounting for void ratio dependence and scanning curves), see Section [sec:hydraulic_models]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:hydraulic_models"}
The van Genuchten soil water retention curve does not any more depend on the specific weight of the pore water, see Section [sec:swrc_genuchten]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:swrc_genuchten"}
Some constitutive models now allow to define additional/optional parameters controlling e.g. the numerical integration scheme used in the implementation. See section [sec:optional_mechanical_parameter]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:optional_mechanical_parameter"}.
Modified Cam-Clay ("Terzaghi"- and "Butterfield"-version), see Section [sec:mat_mcc]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:mat_mcc"}
Reset (``*Reset``)
This command can be used to reset the displacement to zero at the beginning of any step during a calculation. Optionally, the previously created strains can also be set to zero. See Section [sec:reset]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:reset"}
Variable Bishop effective stress parameter
(*Bishop effective stress
now supports different constitutive models for the decomposition of the total stress in effective and neutral stress in simulations with variable saturation. See Section [sec:bishop_effective_stress]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:bishop_effective_stress"}. -
Execute Command
(*Execute Command
now supports the execution of arbitrary commands in the command line at the end of a step. See Section [input_execute_command]{reference-type="ref" reference="input_execute_command"}. -
now supports Paraview cell output for integration point variables such as stress, strain or void ratio. -
Changed sub-keywords for
*Output, field
and*Output, print
. Backward compatibility is preserved. See Section [sec:output]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:output"}. -
Additional to the node print output and element print output,
now support integration point print output, see Section [sec:output]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:output"}. -
Output variables associated with mechanical models (such as the intergranular strain tensor for Hypo+IGS) are now highlighted with the prefix "
" -
Output variables associated with contact are now highlighted with the prefix "
Resolved bugs:
Type mismatch when calling the Matsuoka-Nakai mechanical model. Now via:
*Mechanical = Matsuoka-Nakai
Length of input file name now up to 256 letters
Bugfix in error message for
*Controls, X, activate
Rotation of instances in 2D now also defined by a rotation about 3D vector
Information about required time of processes also in case analysis is unsuccessful
Bugfix of error occurring for the material definition of some element sets defined within an *Instance block
Bugfix of case where solution was accepted when pw-control was active, although one of the solution variables did not converge
General modifications:
Function \(f_{\textrm{ampl}}\) of the HCA model has no lower limit any more
Contact sparsity is only evaluated for the 10 closest nodes in each step. Saves tremendous computational time
now allows mechanical constitutive models to demand a "t" in the global iteration process and restart the increment with a smaller time step. -
"cutbacks" are now highlighted in the .sta-file.
The print output is now stored in the directory "
<simulation name>
-print-output" instead of "<simulation name>
_print_output" -
The default value for the maximum number of iterations for a load increment before performing a cutback (or if no cutback is allowed a termination of the simulation) is set to 24 (formerly 12).
Corrections Keywords Manual:
Error in keyword for the Hypoplasticity + ISA model. Corrected to
Mechanical = Hypo-Isa
. -
Error in contact output, which was defined as node output. Corrected to element output variable
Error in the order of the parameters of Sanisand. Now corrected
Binary: The binary of this releases comes with the following third party libraries included:
Patrick R. Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, and Jacko Koster. A fully asynchronous multifrontal solver using distributed dynamic scheduling. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 23(1):15–41, 1 2001. doi:10.1137/s0895479899358194. ↩
P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and T. Mary. Performance and scalability of the block low-rank multifrontal factorization on multicore architectures. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 45(1):2:1–2:26, 2019. ↩