*Material, ...
<material density 1>, ..., <material density n>
This keyword is used to prescribe the density of the material(s). The subsequent lines <material density 1>, ..., <material density n> depend on the number of phases defined for the current material. This parameter is mandatory. Note that:
- For elements of type Ux (e.g. U8) the density is interpreted as the initial density of the porous solid phase \(\rho^s_0\). This density may change over time due to the deformation of the material.
- For elements of type Ux-solid (e.g. U6-solid) a non-porous solid continuum is assumed (although the void ratio may be calculated) the density remains constant over time.
- The number of densities to be prescribed equals the number of active phases and follow always the order: \(\rho^s_0\) (solid), \(\rho^w_0\) (water), \(\rho^a_0\) (air)