Van Genuchten - Mualem model
Considering the pore-space as a bundle of capillary tubes, Mualem1 proposed a "geometry-based" model relating the relative permeability to the soil-water-retention curve. In numgeo a modified form of the equation proposed in 2 in terms of the van Genuchten hydraulic model is implemented:
The input line for the van Genuchten model takes the following form:
*Relative permeability = van Genuchten
k^w_min, k^a_min, n
where \(k^{w}_{min}\) and \(k^{w}_{min}\) are the minimum relative permeability for the pore water and pore air phase, respectively. \(n\) is the van Genuchten parameter, see the hydraulic model and \(m = n/(n-1)\).
The contributions to the Jacobian read:
with \(\zeta = 1 - (S^e)^m\). Note that at completely dry states (\(S^e=0\)) and fully saturated states (\(S^e = 1\)) contain zero-divide-exceptions. This is prevented at the programming level.
The development of relative permeability \(k^\beta\) with effective degree of saturation \(S^e\) is presented here:
Yechezkel Mualem. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resources Research, 12(3):513–522, 1976. Publisher: American Geophysical Union (AGU). doi:10.1029/wr012i003p00513. ↩
O. Dury, U. Fischer, and R. Schulin. A comparison of relative nonwetting-phase permeability models. Water Resources Research, 35(5):1481–1493, 1999. Publisher: American Geophysical Union (AGU). doi:10.1029/1999wr900019. ↩