*Interaction, Name=<name>, Mechanical=<>, [noseparation], [user], [stiffness_factor=<>], [non constant]
<Normal contact model properties>
*Friction, model=<friction model name>, [stiffness_factor=<>]
<Properties of the friction model>
This option defines an interaction for contact analyses. The command is followed by two mandatory keywords and several optional keywords:
Set this parameter equal to the name of the interaction (can be chosen freely). This parameter is mandatory. -
Set this parameter equal to the mechanical model to describe the normal contact constraint enforcement. The following normal contact models are available:
Model | Contact tension possible | Over-closure relation |
Penalty | no/yes with [no separation] | linear |
Augmented_Lagrange | no/yes with [no separation] | non-linear |
The optional
[no separation]
allows for inseparable contact conditions. Therefore, tension contact conditions are possible. Note that the contact points have to come into contact once before the no separation conditions comes into effect. -
The optional
allows for user defined frictional contact properties (in case*Friction
is used) which can vary with respect to coordinates, node label or time. No properties for the frictional contact model have to be defined in the input file in this case, but a user defined file for the contact properties have to given in accordance to the routine described here. -
The optional
allows for a user defined stiffness factor used in the evaluation of the penalty factor. The penalty factor is calculated based on the trace of the stiffness matrix of the adjacent continuum element and multiplied with the given stiffness factor. This option only applies if no user defined penalty factor is given (see the following description of the<Normal contact model properties>
). The default value of the stiffness factor is 20. -
The optional
[non constant]
allows the penalty factor to change during the analysis based on the change of stiffness of the adjacent material. This is beneficial if the material stiffness changes considerably during the analysis, e.g. by spinning-up of a centrifuge.
The *Interaction
command can be followed by the definition of
properties of the normal contact:
Normal penalty contact. The following parameter can be defined:
Parameter Unit Mandatory Penalty factor \(\varepsilon\) F/A no -
Normal augmented Lagrange method. The following parameter can be defined:
Parameter Unit Mandatory Initial penalty factor \(\varepsilon_0\) F/A no
In order to define a frictional contact, the *Friction
statement has
to follow the *Interaction
statement (or following the given penalty
factor, if applied). The following models are available:
Model |
MC |
Hypoplasticity_numgeo |
Mohr-Coulomb-2 |
The following properties have to be defined using the frictional models:
Coulomb friction. The following parameters are needed:
Parameter Unit Mandatory Penalty factor tangential \(\varepsilon_T\) F/A no Wall friction angle \(\tan\delta\) - yes Dilatancy angle \(\tan\vartheta\) - yes Adhesion \(c\) F/A yes Note that the tangential penalty factor is not mandatory to be given. It is estimated based on the material stiffness if not given (see Section Coulomb friction in the Theory Manual).
Hypoplastic friction. The following parameters are needed:
Parameter Unit Shear band thickness \(d_s\) Length Surface roughness \(\kappa\) - Friction angle \(\varphi\) rad Poisson's ratio \(\nu\) - Granular hardness \(h_s\) F/A Exponent \(n\) - Minimum void ratio \(e_{d0}\) - Maximum void ratio \(e_{c0}\) - Factor \(f_{ei0}\) (\(e_{i0}=f_{ei0}\cdot e_{c0}\)) \(f_{ei0}\) - Exponent \(\alpha\) - Exponent \(\beta\) - Intergranular strain multiplier \(m_T\) - Intergranular strain multiplier \(m_R\) - Intergranular strain radius \(R\) - Intergranular strain interpolation \(\beta_R\) - Intergranular strain interpolation \(\chi\) - -
Mohr-Coulomb-2 friction. The constitutive soil model as a contact model. The following parameters are needed:
Parameter Unit Shear band thickness \(d_s\) Length Youngs modulus \(E\) F/A Poisson's ratio \(\nu\) - Cohesion \(c\) F/A (Wall) Friciton angle \(\delta\) rad Dilatancy \(\psi\) rad Tension cut-off \(p_{t}\) F/A To calculate the shear strain in the interface, specification of a shear band thickness of \(d_s\) in m is required. \(d_s\) is usually assumed to be related to the grain size of the material, e.g. \(d_s \approx 10 d_{10}\). For more information please refer to 1.
Fluid interaction
This option defines a fluid interaction for contact analyses with
elements having a water displacement degree of freedom, e.g. U8U8
elements. The command is followed by two mandatory keywords and one
optional keyword:
Name of the (solid) interaction to which this fluid interaction belongs. The interaction has to be defined beforehand. This parameter is mandatory. Currently, a surface interaction for the fluid alone is not allowed.
Set this parameter equal to the mechanical model chose to describe the contact behaviour of the fluid. The following mechanical models are available:
Model Contact tension possible Over-closure relation Penalty no, yes with [no separation] linear The same properties as for the solid interaction given in Section *Interaction have to be defined. The definition of the penalty factor in case the penalty contact model is chosen, however, is not mandatory. If no value is given, the penalty factor will be calculated based on the bulk modulus of the fluid automatically.
The optional [no separation] allows for inseparable contact conditions for the fluid phase. Therefore, tension contact conditions are possible. Note that the contact points have to come into contact once before the no separation conditions comes into effect.
Patrick Staubach, Jan Machaček, and Torsten Wichtmann. Novel approach to apply existing constitutive soil models to the modelling of interfaces. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 46(7):1241–1271, may 2022. URL:, doi:10.1002/nag.3344. ↩