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Output, print

*Output, print

This option is used to write variables to the print output files. It must be used as a sub-keyword of the *Output keyword. Set <set name> equal to the set name for which the output should be defined. In the subsequent line, the output variables are defined.


The print output is intended to write detailed information for some selected nodes, elements or integration points of the model to files. To reduce access times, the print output files are kept open during the simulation.

For Ubuntu, the number of simultaneously opened files is limited to 1024 by default. If print output is to be written for more than a total of 1024 geometrical entities (sum of all nodes, elements and integration points), this setting must be adjusted. numgeo will attempt to make this change. To do so, numgeo prompts a message in the terminal which must be confirmed with the administrator password. Alternatively, the default value can be increased in the general settings of Ubuntu.

This restriction does not exist for the Windows version.

Node output

*Output, print
*Node, nset = <set name>
<variable 1>, ..., <variable n>

The available output variables are the same as for *Output, field (see *Output, field) with the addition of


    The coordinates of the node in reference configuration.

Element output

This option is used to write element variables (stored at the element centroid) to the print output files. It must be used as a sub-keyword of the *Output keyword. Set <set name> equal to the element set name for which the output should be defined. In the subsequent line, the output variables are defined.

*Output, print
*Element, elset = <set name>
<variable 1>, ..., <variable n>

The available output variables are the same as for *Output, field (see *Output, field) with the addition of


    The coordinate of the centroid in reference or current configuration.

Integration point output

*Output, print
*Integration point, elset = <set name>
<variable 1>, ..., <variable n>

This option is used to write element variables (stored at integration points) to the print output files. It must be used as a sub-keyword of the *Output keyword. Set <set name> equal to the element set name for which the output should be defined. In the subsequent line, the output variables are defined.

The following variables are currently available:


    The coordinates of the integration points in reference or current configuration.

  • S:

    Stress. Single (scalar) components \(\sigma_{ij}\) for \(i,j = \{x,y,z\}\) [F/A]. In case of porous elements \(\sigma_{ij}\) is always the "effective stress".

  • vis_stressij:

    Viscous part of the stress contributed by the "mechanical viscosity" model. Single (scalar) components \(\sigma^{vis}_{ij}\) for \(i,j = \{1,2,3\}\) [F/A]. Only for materials where *Mechanical viscosity was defined.

  • E:

    Strain. Single (scalar) components \(\varepsilon_{ij}\) for \(i,j = \{x,y,z\}\) [-]. [\(\varepsilon_{ij}\) is always the total strain, i.e. no distinction between elastic and plastic strain components s made.

  • VOID:

    Void ratio. Scalar \(e\) [-]. This output is only available for porous elements.

  • Sat_eff:

    Effective degree of saturation. Scalar \(S^e\). This output is only available for coupled porous elements.

  • Sat_eff:

    Degree of saturation. Scalar \(S^w\). This output is only available for coupled porous elements with two fluids occupying the pore space.

  • Phantom_Elasticity:

    Part of the stress components (requested by the keyword 'S') contributed by the "phantom elasticity" model. Single (scalar) components \(\sigma^{ph}_{ij}\) for \(i,j = \{1,2,3\}\) [F/A]. Only for materials where "*Phantom elasticity' was defined.

  • Sets:

    Write the defined element sets (name + elements) to the output file. The set name equals the output name. The elements of the associated element set are given the (integer) value 1, all other elements are given the (integer) value 0.

  • Mat:

    Write the material names and the associated element set as cell data to the output file. The material name is assigned to the output name. The elements of the associated element set are given the (integer) value 1, all other elements are given the (integer) value 0

Depending on the applied element type and material model, the label SVARS can be replaced by the name of the demanded output variable solemnly available for this specific element type/material model. Possible output variables for different material models can be found here *Material. If the <type> is user, the state variable number has to be directly specified, e.g. Statev1 or Statev20.

*Output, user

*Output, user
*Node, nset = <set name>
<variable 1>, ..., <variable n>
*Element, elset = <set name>
<variable 1>, ..., <variable n>

This option is used to write variables to the user files, where the specified variables are written to (initial) user files explained in *Initial conditions. It must be used as a sub-keyword of the *Output keyword. Set <set name> equal to the set name for which the output should be defined. In the subsequent line, the output variables are defined.

Depending on the variables, the corresponding user routine will be automatically written. The following variables are currently available:

  • Any node variable that it is solved for will be generating a user defined boundary condition file (see here). This user routine can then be called in a next step using the *UBoundary command in the input file.

  • S_IGP

    The stress of the integration points. In this case, the user defined initial stress field file (see here) is generated.

  • STATEV: The statev with the number [xx]. In this case, the user defined initial state field file (see here) is generated. For instance, STATEV1 is typically the internal void ratio of the constitutive model. For the HCA models (see here), STATEV100 is the strain amplitude. Please contact the developers if you need a specific state variable number for your output.

The user files generated can be read by the main program on the run using *Read State (see Read state).