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The release notes for the upcoming release are:

New features:

  • Truss elements: We are happy to announce that with this release numgeo no extends its finite element library by truss elements! Have a look at the Reference Manual, the Theory Manual or the Benchmark Manual for more information.

  • Beam elements: We are happy to announce that with this release numgeo no extends its finite element library by beam elements! Have a look at the Reference Manual, the Theory Manual or the Benchmark Manual for more information.

General modifications:

  • *Initial conditions, type = stress not mandatory anymore. Definition of an initial stress field is not mandatory anymore. It is the users responsibility to prescribe (or not) an initial (effective) stress field.
  • User boundary can now consider type (velocity/acceleration) similarly to regular boundary conditions, see UBoundary. In addition, the arguments of the user boundary suboutine have been adjusted, such that the full name of the degree of freedom is passed (with length 2, e.g. U1), allowing to define multiple degrees of freedom in one subroutine by defining a case.
  • New feature for SANISAND-MSf: Users can now choose between two formulations for \(M_b\)
  • If the order of slave/master set in the definition of Equations is incorrect (i.e. the master set has more nodes than the slave set) the sets are now automatically reordered instead of issuing an error message
  • The *Solid Section keyword to assign a material model to an element set is now renamed to *Assign Material (backward compatibility is ensured)

Resolved bugs:

  • Amplitudes are now evaluated once per increment. This resolves an error in cases where the same lab-amplitude was referenced multiple times in one step. This issue only occurred for lab-amplitudes with an early termination criterion, other amplitudes were not affected.


  • Added that *DSload, user, i.e. a user-defined surface load, exists. The user-subroutine is available here and the *DSload, user keyword here