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Graphical User Interface

Input files are great, they concentrate on the essentials, require only a text editor and - once syntax has been internalised - allow quick adjustment of material properties or loads. However, they also have an antique charm, and even the most convinced input file advocates would like to see graphical support for mesh generation.

Up to now, numgeo has offered good support for Abaqus input files and has made it possible to use FE meshes from the open source program Salome via a Python script. A full integration of numgeo with a pre-processor was not yet available.

To further improve usability, we decided to integrate numgeo into the GiD pre-processor. In addition to geometry and mesh generation, this should also allow the supported input and assignment of material properties, boundary conditions and loads. Watch the video below for a sneak peek.

Preview version

The integration of numgeo into the GiD preprocessor is currently under development. Nevertheless, we would like to give interested users the opportunity to work with it and gain initial experience. For this purpose, we are making a current preview version freely available - you can download it here (latest version is from 2024-09).

As this is a work in progress, frequent updates are to be expected - bugs or malfunctions are part of the user experience according to the motto ‘is it a bug or is it a feature’ and are supplied free of charge. We look forward to your feedback or comments.
